Call for Papers and Major Topics
call for papers
The congress targets all the domains where embedded systems are crucial, such as, but not limited to, transportation (aeronautics, automotive, railway, subway, marine, unmanned vehicle, space exploration and satellite applications), e-healthcare, smart agriculture, industry, defence, energy, and telecom domains.
The congress welcomes submissions of research contribution, research - industrial transfer, industrial feedbacks on new technologies and position papers on major trends. This 10th edition encourages in particular contributions bringing innovative cross-fertilising ideas for safe and secure intelligent systems within all critical applications featuring advanced autonomy.
Original, unpublished regular papers are solicited. Selection will be made based firstly on the review of extended abstracts (4 pages) followed by the review of the full paper (10 pages) for final acceptance. Accepted regular papers will be published in the proceedings and presented in a on oral session at the conference (registration by at least one author is mandatory).
Short papers reporting on research work in progress are also solicited. Selection will be based on the review of the full short paper (4 pages). Each accepted short papers will be published in the proceedings and presented as poster at the conference (registration by at least one author is mandatory).
Embedded computing platforms and networked systems
- Distributed architectures,
- Multi-core/manycore platforms,
- Embedded networks,
- Middleware,
- Virtualisation,
- Service-oriented platforms,
- Energy-aware management
Processes, methods and tools
- Agile techniques,
- AI based development methods,
- Model-based system engineering,
- Virtual engineering and simulation,
- Formal methods,
- Requirement engineering,
- Product line engineering,
- New programming and verification languages
- Dependability,
- Safety,
- Cyber security,
- Quality of service,
- Fault tolerance,
- Maintainability,
- Diagnosis generation,
- Health monitoring,
- Certification
Human system interactions
- User interfaces for command and control systems,
- Human error evaluation,
- User-centred design,
- Automation design and function allocation
Autonomous and connected systems
- Adaptive systems and artificial intelligence,
- Robotics, Drones,
- Internet of Things (IoT),
- Intelligent systems,
- Ethical and legal issues
Abstract of Regular and Short Paper submission : Closed
Acceptance Notification : Closed
Regular Full Paper for review :
October 15th, 2019
Regular and Short Paper Final Version :
November, 10th, 2019
Congress :
January 29th to 31st, 2020
Paper Award announcement at Congress Dinner :
January 30th, 2020